Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wednesday 29th December

We are now all in Stretham!
Ma and pa are reunited with the boys. All I can say is that it has been very peaceful for the last few days! It has been busy too. Clearing out the rental house took all day yesterday and I thought it was going to be fast. The extra time was mostly because we were trying to re-house as much of the stuff as we could rather than taking it all to the skip.

Various callers were given boxes of stuff. The skulls headed for Scotland en route to Patrick via Gerard and Vanya. The Fortnums mince-pies were scrummy btw!

Steve got the antique saws, and the rest of our logs. Thanks for helping with the washing machine etc.

Despite our best intentions a lot of stuff was tipped. A lot of the reason for this is that matching up our surplus with someone else's need is time consuming and we were short on time.
We finally finished at about 6 washing machine was last to go.
Thanks Fran for putting us up for our last night in town. The NIce and Spicy was excellent and your hospitality was most appreciated.

This morning the bloke in Moorgate news sold me a paper and said "see you" as I left. I felt like replying "Maybe in 10 years time!" but it was not really necessary. It was nice to think it though.

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