Friday, March 17, 2006

After ERO!

Kia ora whanau

we have landed on another Friday night, yippee. this one is special because ERO have left our school. It has been a stressful week for me, even more than usual, as one obviously wants to be seen at one's best and the level of visible planning has to increase way over what it normally is.

The verdict delivered to the board is that we will not need an inspection for 3 years so we have effectively passed! We had a St patrick's Day and post-ERO celebration after school tonight, complete with Hangi and shots of Baileys how is that for cross-cultural fertilisation.

ERO are going into Chantelle's school next week so she will be the stressed out one!

That event has overshadowed most of my week. My birthday weekend was affected by it. We had a pleasant day on saturday, going out for a fantastic meal at the Orana with Ruth and Stephan and Ruth's cousin Chris. we took the boys for a swim at lake Ngatu and had a look for tua tuas at waipapakuri. It was the day of teh Te Houteawai beach race, where runners do the length of 90 mile beach. The winner did the 68 km course in 4 hours! That kind of achievement makes me feel pretty unfit.

Farm news: one of our bantams hatched out 5 chicks on Wednesday and they are now safely ensconced in a protected coop. I found the first ducks nest we have had. 11 eggs deep in a gorse bush. On Sunday we managed to get all 6 sheep into the race and trimmed their feet. It took impeccable team-work as the sheep are pretty flighty.

That's about it. Til next week.
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