Sunday, August 29, 2010

Broken ankle




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We have had an interesting week.
I took Eric for a walk last week. Or rather, he took me for a walk because he had been to Kaitaia Reservoir with ATC and I had not.
It is set up in the Herekino hills a few Km from town. We had a pleasant walk through the bush to the little dam, ideal for a Sunday afternoon.
In the bush we went past a large tree with a hole in the trunk. I put the camera in and the flash illuminated a whole host of wetas hiding inside. They are a peculiar NZ insect that is similar to a grasshopper, with ridiculously long antennae.
We were also entertained by a pair of tourists who were doing the same walk, but who were very nervous of the herd of small cows that were enthusiastically welcoming their visitors. It must get pretty dull eating grass all week, so you cannot blame them getting a bit rarked up when some humans show up at the weekend.

School continues at breakneck speed with half the term gone already.
Stuart was messing around with some friends in the wet on Wednesday and he ended up breaking his ankle as he tried flying down some concrete stairs. It was a pretty painful experience requiring assistance the ambulance and sterling reassurance from Lisa, one of our school's first aid team. He has a backslab on for now and is hobbling around on crutches.
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