Friday, April 23, 2010

More holiday fun




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We got a phone call from Merv the fisherman at 8am saying that it looked like a good day to go out on his boat and we would need to be at the wharf by 9am. We had only just got out of bed so it was a manic half hour feeding animals and getting stuff ready. We even stopped in town to pick up cream doughnuts.

Merv took us out into the Rangaunu harbour out from Unahi wharf. We did lots of fishing, trolling lures through water where the terns had been diving. That was the best fun as we hooked onto kahawai with 25plus metres of nylon already out and getting the fish in was good arm exercise. We all had a go and all caught fish. Even Paddy hauled in one that I hooked for him and he had a big grin on as he did so!

He spent a lot of the rest of the time nesting down at the front of the boat or crashed out inside out of the wind. Stuart and Eric both had turns at steering the boat and learnt how some of the instruments worked. We had a go at anchoring up and trying for snapper deep down, but had less success with this. Chantelle caught a nice sized one and Eric caught a few that we put back.

It was a good way to spend a day. Thanks again Merv!
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