Monday, April 10, 2006

The circus comes to town

We all went to the circus on Saturday night. It was pretty good we reckoned. Very small circle so quite intimate, I was quite worried that the tight rope walker might fall off and impale us with his pole as he was almost over our heads.
There were jugglers, clowns, acrobatics. The only bit I didn't much like was the performing (or in this case - non-performing) animals. The llama was having none of it!
The costumes were pretty far-out and there was a good dance track playing at times.
The verdict from one girl at school was that it was crap compared to last year, but we had little to compare it with, and it was way better than watching paint dry on the lounge floor at home.

we have been pretty tired this week-end, hence the lack of updates. The w/e before was even worse. We are doing the jobs, little bits of DIY and a bit of homework and tidying up and a siesta here and there and wow! The w/e is gone.
It has made a difference now that it is dark at 6pm, the nights are longer and the daylight at w/e is more precious.
Farm news, all doinmg well, one of the muscovvies is sat on a huge clutch of eggs in a gorse bush, so Eric is counting his ducklings before they are hatched. He took a tiny mouse off one of the cats last night, but liberated it again ths morning as it seemed to ahve recovered. When I got home from work tonight, he was effing and jeffing because he couldn't lock away his chicks for the night. He told me that they were grounded for a month.
Patrick has moved back to Pamapuria school. He was very miserable going to Pompallier. Not really a fault of the school, just where he is better off being.
Stuart is into everything as usual. His latest project is buying a fish tank, but that was yesterday so it will probably change soon.
Better go and do my homework as it is a Monday night.
Haere ra
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