Monday, January 23, 2006

The latest addition to the menagerie

Just an update on the ark situation. We are now settling in Zepyhr who is an 18 month old german shepherd/ cattledog cross. He arrived last Tuesday from the Whangarei SPCA and has settled in very well. He is pretty calm around most of the other inmates. He gave Mosetse a cautious kiss as they sniffed each other through the wire. Shanya was not going for that and ran off like a hare - a bit surprising as she has been hobbling around the last few weeks making out she has dodgy feet and going for the sympathy vote!

We are training Zephyr to follow all the commands, he does "sit" and "lie" and is working on "heel". "Stay" needs lots of work. I am not really a doggy person, but Zephyr is quite a pleasant hound really. The kiwis keep their dogs outside and we are doing the same which cuts down on some of my major objections, like smelly fur, farting, bad breath and bouncing around in confined spaces.

This is going to be a short entry. One final thing a little pop quiz to see if you have been paying attention. How many domesticated vertebrates are we currently hosting? Answers on an email or in the comments to me. There will be a personalised mention for the winner in the next post.
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