Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day!!

We had a relaxing start to our Christmas day, and that theme carried on during the entire day! Called Italy to send our regards, and will be doing the same tonight to other family members .
We had the Newman family over for a BBQ and a float around on the pond.( As seen on the photo)
The weather came out to play which was a relief as it had been raining for about 2 days preivous. But it turned out to be a steamer.
We also viewed the Queens speach after one news, at around 6.50pm, which made a change from the British time of 3pm.
So all i have to say now is have a cracking , peaceful Christmas!!!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

End of year awards

Well it's that time of year when schools, colleges and other organisations give out their annual awards.
and this year we are proud to announce that all the boy's received various awards in different areas.
Eric received 3 awards- one was for being the best turned out air cadet over the year, one was for outstanding conduct , and services to the school.
Stuart also was awarded an award for outstanding conduct, and Patrick was awarded an achievement in mathematics award ,at his prize giving at the primary school.
It's getting nearer to Christmas, and it still feels strange being summer during the yuletide instead of being freezing. It jut doesn't feel right!
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