Saturday, March 01, 2008

More rain

Saturday morning and the rain is back. Heavy persistent rain that is forecast to be here all weekend. We shall be working indoors by the look of it.

We have had a fast quiet week, settling into our routine. The karate is going well and they have gone twice a week for 2 weeks. Stuart went on a school trip to sketch rock pools yesterday. They go out more here than in the UK.

Last weekend we went for a family walk on Sunday afternoon, carrying on a long Bryan tradition. Much resistance was encountered from the boys, but it evaporated when we got there. We went to look at the scout camp up near the quarry. It was abandoned and overgrown. The expected track that would take us up the hill for a view, had either not existed, or was overgrown. The bush here is so rampant that tracks soon grow over if they are not regularly cleared. So we made do with the familiar track. Patrick was on his bike. Chris and Clinton went past on their mtb's and that was enough to get Stuart to want to get a new bike! That is today's job, along with making his video for Lets get inventing.

Eric was off school this week with a stomach bug, but he was back by Thursday. He reluctantly missed his cadets on Wednesday as he had been off school.

Chantelle was off one day as well with a bug. She is keeping busy with her work. As am I ....

Farm news: I am keeping an eye on Skippy the ram to watch for him mating the ewes. The white ones all seem good and they have plenty of food. I am checking them twice daily for flystrike. We have 2 little ewe lambs that will end up as roasts at Easter weekend. That will leave us with 2 rams and 4 ewes to breed from over the winter. Our land cannot cope with any more than that.
We have had a do with broody chickens this week. Finally found out where the red chicken has been hiding for the last few months - under a sheet of roofing iron with 11 eggs. She has not been near a cock in ages so they were all infertile. I took 11 eggs from the bottom coop and put her on them in the wire coop on the lawn. She was unimpressed and refused to sit on them. We let her go and put the eggs under a desk lamp in Eric's room. We will see if our home made incubator does the job.
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