Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The new garden

Sticking up a few pics of our new garden. It goes down to the stream at the bottom, including the dark green tree (totara) and the pond. Chantelle is dreaming about pigs.
Stuart is in charge of engineering, bridges and watercourses. Eric is the pest management officer - hopefully he will make a dent in the invasive weeds - there is tobacco weed, gorse and pamapas. Patrick is the farmer and will collect the eggs.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Paddy's Birthday

Patrick was 6 this week and had a sparkler birthday cake. He has been using every available hour to play with the lego he got as a present from both grandparents and us.

Chantelle was ref in the football match today. Pirates plyed Eastern and Pirates won 5-0. Paddy scored 4 goals! In case you suspect maternal bias, let it be known that Mum awarded a penalty against Patrick for handling the ball. Let it also be known that the penalty was missed!

Other news: Stuart has not been doing much work at school this week because it has been reading tests, he got to watch Chrlottes web. Eric has been doing a lot of catching up work with his class. The school Kapa Haka team won the regional competition in Whangarei. The Kaitaia arsonist has been caught which is a relief as the fires had been getting more and more serious.

National news is dominated by politics as the election comes closer. The Destiny Church has been allowed to release its right-wing DVD, attacking the government for promoting homosexuality and a breakdown in family values.

Til next week then!

First test against the All Blacks

It is Saturday again and tonight the waiting is almost over as the Lions play their first match against the All Blacks. I have been getting a fair amount of stick at school on account of my loyalties. Rugby over here is more of a religion than just a sport.

We went over to our new house this arvo to check it out now that the tenants have left. We get the keys on Friday and start shipping in the week after. Looking forward to having our own place. The boys here are checking out the water tank on the hill.

We will miss some things about our current house. It has been handy having the odd rugby games going on with our view out over the field.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The next England star.( sorry all whites!) Posted by Hello

Chocolate chops Posted by Hello

Guess who? Posted by Hello

Eric Posted by Hello


I've taken some up to date photo's of the boys.
This weekend Paddy played soccer, and very well he did too!!!!!!.
He scored both of their goals and recieved player of the match. The next Michael Owen. It's so funn y watchin 6/7 year olds playing football, it's the balls a magnet thing, swarming like bees around the ball. Paddy has relised if he hangs outside the cluster ,then he will get the ball in more space. At one point his team ,the pirates, had 4 players instead of 5 ,as one neded the loo, and the others members are off with flu. GO PIRATES!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Just before Paddy's Birthday

It's been a few weeks, but time for an update.
We are into week 7 of term now and it feels like time for a half-term - 3 weeks to the end of term. The kids are feeling the strain at school even with the odd days off here and there, 10 weeks is a long time for them to toe the line. Our own are struggling from one week-end to the next. Paddy is quite cheerful because he has been counting down to his birthday for the last month and the big day arrives on Monday. Stuart has had a day off every week for the last 3. We were mean this week and sent him in with achey legs and a sore throat. He survived!
Eric is in love with his teacher because she has a whole range of inducements to keep him working, he was making chocolate fudge and blue crystals today and trotted off quite happily to his bus. In fact he complained because I kept him waiting as I was trying to get all my stuff together and he was itching to get to the bus stop.

School weeks are generally unremarkable in my life apart from all the amazing things that happen at school. Not being too sure who reads this blog I am going to keep my counsel about school and work and save it for personal emails. I wonder how other bloggers manage this aspect of the medium. Surely one's colleagues find out about it sooner or later and find out alsorts of interesting things?

Last weekend was interesting. It was the noho marae (marae stay) for the te reo course I have been doing. Chantelle graciously looked after the kids while I was gone. There were over 100 of us staying in the marae and we all slept in one great big room, men, women and child alike. I gather that this is not unusual as well. In Uk people would bed down together if there was some sort of emergency, but we are pretty private about who we sleep with the rest of the time. My understanding is that Maori are a lot more sociable than us European types. So there was a good mix of Maori, NZ pakeha, and more recent immigrants from all over the place. We were all doing the same course but all in different places. It started with the powhiri - a formal welcome onto the marae that follows a particular structure of speeches and songs. All designed to determine the peaceful or war-making intentions of visitors. Once a koha (gift usually of money) had been handed over, there was a massive hongi - everyone files past the home team one by one but instead of just shaking their hand they touch foreheads and breathe the same air.

We had some food and then a couple of talks. The first was about spirituality and was delivered by a bloke who worked with violent offenders. He seemed to be into lots of different ways of healing damaged people including studying their colours and seeing their shadow people. There was a second speaker who gave a fascinating talk illustrated with powerpoint slides all about using the stars to navigate voyaging canoes. This was appropriate as it was the start of the Maori new Year Matariki - named after the star system Pleiades which appears on the eastern horizon at dawn at this time of year. This guy really could talk. He had sailed from NZ to Rarotonga on a canoe made from 2 Kauri trees that he had chopped down from a local forest. That is a distance of 2000 miles! The maori originally arrived from the polynesian islands on these canoes and his voyage was a modern attempt to recreate those voyages. I had always assumed that the original colonists had arrived in little canoes by chance. It appears that they were travelling all over the pacific establishing colonies on all the islands from Christmas Island back to Tahiti(?). They used the movement of constellations to guide them on these voyages.

That finished at mid-night, by which time no amount of snoring in the room - and there was a large amount - was going to keep me awake. In what seemed like minutes later the lights were on and people were stirring. We did 4 workshops during the day and my te reo improved massively. Haere ra kotou (Good bye!)

Monday, June 06, 2005

Queens birthday weekend

God Bless the Queen! Thanks to her we got an extra day off school today and that made it a good 3 day weekend. After Chantelle's fishing exploits on Friday, we all went to Whangarei on Saturday to re-experience the delights of its large Wharehouse. The primary objective was to get a better choice of clothes for the boys. That succeeded and they all got an extra outfit that they were happy with.
We went on to the museum which was on a large site with lots of different buildings run by various groups. We saw a kiwi in a kiwi house and had alook in a small church and a colonial style house. There was a miniature and a large railway. The museum was quite good, usual mix of artefacts, natural and man-made. We found a talking tui at the native bird recovery centre. Onto burger king for a fatty takeaway and then we travelled the 2 hours back home over the Mangamukas.
We watched the first Lions match against Bay of Plenty. Eric was allowed to stay up late to see what proper rugby is like. He has been introduced to the game at school and apparently did ok in his first game. The Lions match was Ok, a shame that Dallaglio got injured and a relief that the team managed to put on a convincing lead. The boys at school have been asking me about my allegiance and then giving me stick for supporting the Lions; as for the staff.... we won't go there.

I was up before dawn on Sunday to go on a fishing trip with Pat. He took me out in a kayak across the sea from Matai Bay to a small island where we spent a fantastic day fishing into deep water off a ledge. We caught a feed of fish and put back several smaller ones. We saw gannets at close range, a pod of dolphins and a penguin a way off. I took loads of pictures and then erased them all by mistake. Whoops! Even more whoops was not following the instructions and tipping the kayak over as we were launching it. Fortunately everything was tied on securely and nothing was lost. When we got home we had a fantastic meal of raw fish salad, crayfish (thanks Les!) and baked snapper.

We made it out to the farm at Diggers today and the boys went off for a walk in one direction whle the adults climbed up a hill in the other. We stayed in contact with walkie-talkies (thanks Nick and Karla) and re-united after 3/4 hour, both parties happy with the separation.

Back to school tomorrow for the second half of this term.

Friday, June 03, 2005

choice! Posted by Hello

Look Nick you missed a beaut!

Well in recent weeks my friend ,Mandy and myself have been fishing, which out any luck what so ever. We thought we had been jinksed. But today was a good day.
Mangaoni whalf , it was clouldy ,and we got there at low tide. 1 hour later Mandy's line shot of clicking into the distance. After a couple of minutes she had it close enough to pull in, but because we were on a whalf and the tide was not fully in we had to get help. One friendly fiherman from one of the boats got a hook out, but unfortunaly the line gave way ,and off it went.
I then caught a snapper ,which although was a good size ,we decided to return to get bigger, and for me to catch another day!
Then my line shot off, and this time we managed to land this 4lb Kohwai (sp).
Will make a nice raw fish sald and the cats enjoyed the cooked head.
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