Friday, January 12, 2007

We've all been on a Summer Holiday ....

..... and we got home an hour ago!
Camping holidays are good for making you appreciate things that you spend the rest of the year taking for granted:
- a roof that will not let in the rain
- a wall that is designed not to let flood-water in
- places to dry clothes
- electricity to run kettles
- tv and video players
need I go on?
We travelled a long way today, from a place at the south end of Lake Taupo called Okahune all the way back home. The weather was pretty rough, rain that was torrential at times and a gusty wind. That did help to keep Daisy's radiator cool. The boys were ecstatic to get home and puppy dog was pleased to see us back. The cats showed their appreciation in typical feline manner by bringing us a half paralysed rat!

Anyway we have taken about 400 pictures of our voyage and when they have been downloaded, some of the cream of the crop will find their way onto this blog.

In the mean-time you can try to put together the information above into a prediction of how our holiday was.
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