Saturday, June 26, 2010

Paddy's Birthday


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It was Paddy's 11th birthday last weekend and he had 3 friends round for a sleep over. Lots of fun was had as one of them brough a Wii with him. Guess what he wants to buy with his birthday money? The blurry photo represents the speed of movement as they chased around. I think that some of them got some sleep between 1am and 6 when they woke up looking for birthday presents and more sugar.

The other pic shows the 3rd round of the Northland Secondary School Chess Tournament. This was organised by moi and held in Kaitaia College library on Wed June 16th. We managed to lur 4 other schools to come and play, no mean feat as some of them travelled over 2 hours to get here. Normally Kaitaia has to travel south to play in tournaments as the schools in Whangarei are not keen to travel. The chess teams did. We drew with the closest competition, the prestigious Whangarei Boys High School and won the tournament by 1 match point. Quite a relief. Now we qualify for the Nationals in Christchurch in september. Fundraising is in full swing.

I suspect that the schools will train harder for next year's event and we might have a harder fight on our hands.
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