Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stuart's birthday

It was Stuart's birthday on Monday. He got up at 0530 and went on aschool trip to look at tertiary institutes in Auckland. His coach broke down on the way home on Tuesday, so we had a birthday meal for him on Wednesday.

Eric made a very nice cake, "sponge" with cream and home grown strawberries on top. "Sponge" because he had forgotten the recipe and made it up. As the lady who sold me the cream said "Cream can hide a lot of mistakes".

Eric has been busy doing exams. Two last week and ywo more this week then he is through. Fingers crossed. These are his NCEA Level One externals. Most of the course is internally assessed.

We have been having some pretty spring weather. Or is it Summer now. It has certainly been pretty hot. Good sunsets too.

We went over to Mike and Rissy's last night for a bbq. I couldn't resist the shot of Chantelle keeping warm and looking like a granny. I will probably be told to remove it. It has to be better than the pictures of Zephyr being chased around the garden by Jimmy.



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