Friday, March 10, 2006

Autumn in the air

It has been a bit cold the last few mornings and I was wearing a jumper to feed the chucks this morning, so it must be Autumn. Mind you it is a pleasant Autumn, we have not long since returned from the nightly rounds feeding the chucks and checking up on the place. It is nice to be able to take our time on a Friday night as we are not worried about getting boys to bed and homework and other weekday concerns. We sat by the pond in the gloaming, with Zephyr lying on his back with his feet in the air trying for the part of family baby. There was a very clear sky so it will be colder tomorrow.
What a week, I didn't think it was possible for the weeks to get any fuller, but last weeks certainly did. ERO are coming to inspect the College next week, so there are some extra hours being worked. Chantelle's job has stepped up a bit as an extra child has turned up. Stuart was off school on Wednesday and we were lucky that our kind neighbours took him on for the day.
Eric did his swimming sports today, for some reason I have not established yet, he decided to only enter the year 6 breadths, and as that did not exist he did not compete in any races. He apparently enjoyed the free swim in the diving pool.
Patrick went off on a day trip on the beach at Rangiputa and seems to have brought half of it back with him in a dodgy smelling plastic bag. Given a few weeks tucked away under his bed, it will truly hum the house out.
We had a good weekend last one. I determined not to go into school at all. Instead I went to a marae on Saturday to meet with school parents and talk about visions for the future. It was 3pm before I got home. well worth it from my point of view for the social contact. But what a place as well! It was just outside the village of Herekino, which is abut 10km inland from Ahipara. The view from inside the marae was towards bush clad ridiculously steep hills. Apparently there is an amazing beach on the other side, but I didn't have time to check it out.
Back at the ranch we finally succeeded in getting the sheep into a race where we could examine them and check their feet. Considering we have not done this the whole time they have been with us, they were not too bad and now 3 of them have been trimmed. 3 managed to evade going into the race so we will try and have another go this weekend. One of the ewes is heavily pregnant so Eric and I have been reading up about lambing so we have some idea of what to expect.
On Sunday we had a much needed lie-in and then went out to Gum-diggers park. The boys had been there before so could give us a guided tour. It was well set out and a pleasant meander through the bush looking at the holes that the gum-diggers had made to extract Kauri gum from the swamps.
Thats it folks. Watch this space.

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