Friday, October 27, 2006

Labour Weekend

Last weekend was "Labour Weekend", the traditional start of Summer, when people start swimming outdoors again, the camping season starts in earnest and everyone gets Monday off work. We all felt at home here cos it was like a British Bank Holiday weekend, blowing a gale, lashing it down and tv pictures of traffic jams as people crawled out of and then back to Auckland. Still no-one could take away the 3 day weekend so we had a chilled out time pottering about, dodging the showers.
We shouldn't really complain about the wind here as it hit 120km/hr down in Welly and people took 9 hours to cross Cook Strait (normally 3 hours) with 5 metre swells.

It was a strong wind which put paid to my ideas of catching our sheep and checking out feet and other bits. We went to see Dee's Pitt Island sheep on the Saturday. They have a farm carved out of the bush up in the hills and the boys like it there, because they have big wooden drums on the lawn that they can play on. We watched some of their sheep being shorn by a professional. I was convinced that whilst hand-shearing is an interesting experience, it is better to do it with an electric hand-piece in a fraction of the time. We didn't get to see our potential new ram Skippy, as he had skipped off into the bush and hadn't been seen for days.

On Sunday we retreated indoors and all the boys helped make a new mail-box to replace our old one that has taken a hammering from someone. We painted it a couple of times and it will go up soon (in the next year hopefully).

Marine aquarium news: total smelly disaster, only the crabs survived a week and the rest had to be siphoned out. Perhaps I should have believed the book that warned about using real weed and sand and recommended scrubbing everything.

Pictures to follow, luckily for you all we cannot upload smells!

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