Saturday, May 19, 2007

Autumn Viruses

We are all currently in various stages of attack by viruses. Stuart and Patrick were off school with it earlier in the week. Chantelle and I have been hammered this weekend and Eric seems to be starting with it now. It gives you a headache, saps your energy and amches your neck and shoulders ache.
Not very pleasant at all, and kind of irritating when there is always so much to do. But in the interests of remaining positive and finding a silver lining in every cloud, perhaps there is something to be said for being laid low by a virus. Maybe it is because we are so busy that we need to be forced to stop evry once in a while. I have always found those tv ads where some thrusting executive carries on meeting the deadlines by popping a potion, even though he has flu, to be disturbing. I wonder whether we are more likely to just pack up if we keep forcing ourselves to go on when our bodies are telling us to stop. Not that I have not been taking Lemsip and Paracetamol to keep going last week until I gave up on Thursday night.

What else have we been up to?
Mostly just the day to day stuff and not very exciting.
Patrick has had a couple of good soccer games. Pamapuria 2 surprised the pundits by beating Ahipara 3-2. Don't ask me how, they carried on with their pack tactics where every player tackles any other player, including their own team and hoofs it in the general direction of the goal. This tactic overcame Ahipara's careful spread out passing play.
They got a wake up call last week when they were thrashed 6-0 by Eastern. Shame really as it was the first match that Chantelle had come along to this season. At the end of the day, the kids all seem to enjoy playing and they are getting better slowly.

Animals are all doing well, the ducklings are getting bigger. Chucks seem to like their new coop. Rock looked like he had been attacked perhaps by a rat and was blind in one eye. He is a bit crankier but otherwise recovered. We acquired 2 new sheep this week. One was only on our land for a few days and is now feeding the Salvation Army Band in town. the other is staying to (hopefully) lamb and then might end up on a spit later on.

I can't think of any other exciting news. My brain is like mush so it might come back to me. Haven't taken many photos recently either.

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