Monday, January 24, 2011

Plasma TV widescreen views

One thing I like about going to Moyuroa is that the tv reception is crappy at the best of times. this year it was even worse because someone had run over the aerial cable with a hoover severing it into 2. It did seem possible to get some TV3 reception, but we kept missing the news and did not watch any TV. The radio reception was not brill either and the news was depressing when I did remember to tune in. The sofas mostly all faced the view out of the main sitting room window. Stuart referred to it as the plasma screen. We noticed that the programming was a bit dark after 9pm, but we went to bed pretty early and did not feel too cheated. With the constantly changing weather and tides going in and out, not to mention the comings and goings of rails, dotterels, terns, gannets etc, it was like watching Animal Planet live.
We all read lots of books and it was amazing to see all 3 boys immersed in books for hours on end.




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