Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trouble with posting

Hi folks
Just a quick note to say that I have been having major problems putting pictures onto the blog over the last few weeks. The problem seems to be that everything changes so constantly that things that used to be compatible no longer are!

We have been trying out different ISPs having been told that Internet Explorer was majorly flawed and that we could have all our worldly savings stolen without us knowing by some computer Phisher. So we tried Mozilla. Then found that sites would not load properly and cookies were disabled. So tried Google Chrome and found that the pictures would not load onto blogger from Picasa. So went back to Mozilla and could not even get into Blogger!

Imagine oneself to be a 19th Century gentleman sitting at his desk writing a letter to his parents back in Mother England. He would have no idea what the writer was talking about in the paragraph above. It is a wonder that anything is compatible with anything else on the net.

Anyway I hae tried to load pictures of Stuart in front of his shed. I have tried several times to load pictures taken last weekend when we all escaped our routine and went to stay at a remote DOC hut down the east coast. We allhad ago at abseiling. Eric and Chantelle did a 100m abseil down a cliff called the Dukes nose. Just looking at the pictures gives me vertigo.

I will try again in the holiday. That kicks off at th end of this week, than goodness. We have two terms of 11 weeks this year to accommodate the world cup finals in Auckland in October. It has been a long slog this term and we are all looking forward to a break.


Unknown said...

You need to instal all the add on with Mozilla, I have used it for years instead of internet explorer.
Also had problems loading pictures from Picassa, ended up loading onto Picassa Web Albums anthen clicked blogger icon from Picassa to load onto blogger as a picture link.

Eric said...

I do believe 'anyway' has an 'a' in it, correct me if i'm wrong.
~ Eric Bryan (Your 15 year old son)

MC said...

Thank-you son.
I will correct the mistake.

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