Friday, January 22, 2010






Lots of plants on Motorua.
It has been farmland for most of the time that Europeans have been in the area, with the area under native plants gradually being reduced. With the advent of the shareholder idea, a conscious decision was made to plant large areas with native plants and to bring back some of the original fauna.
I was very lucky to have a guided tour of the Ponga trach with Carol Ralph on our last day on the island. She is very knowledgeable and taught me many new plants. She had helped to steer the valley from grassland to developing forest. It is difficult to convey the forest in pictures and even harder using words. I found the walk and talk very inspirational, because I am trying to do something similar, though on a smaller scale with our land. I also want to involve a group of College students with a restoration project this year.
So thanks Carol and all the other enthusiasts on Motorua, keep up the great work.

The pictures show a Nikau Palm, the shade house where the native plants are grown. Then a plant that I have not identified yet - it has a large seed pod full of itching powder hairs and red kideney shaped seeds. Anyone know what it is?
Finally, the gun emplacement at the eastern end of the island. The army were here in WWII defending the bay from potential invaders. They left behind some large concrete structures that are slowly being eaten away by the forces of nature.
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