Friday, January 22, 2010






The boys did much swimming. Not all of it was documented, but I like this sequence of Paddy jumping off the wharf.
Eric was keen too. The boys spent their days in a round of swimming, eating, talking loudly, playing swing-ball, lounging about and then back to swimming again.
Chantelle and I read heaps.
I found a really good book that had been left by someone. It was called "Three cups of tea" by Greg Mortenson. It tells the true story of how this US climber visited K2 in Pakistan and promised he would return to the remote mountain village to build a school. This he did with great persistence and economy. He is a very charismatic man who continues to do the humanitarian thing of helping people whilst the leadership of his country persists in thinking they can impose their ideology on the Moslem world down the barrel of a gun. Get the book out of your library if you can.
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