Spent the day in Cambridge. Had plenty of time so took a detour down the backs. What a trip down memory lane! Not much seems to have changed this side of town. Picture to follow if it is taechnically feasible from F-in-law's computer. Much more change away from the hallowed precincts of the University. Huge new development down Hills Road where the Cattle Market used to be.
Parkside has modernised since I last swam there (15 years ago?). It used to be a squalid dank place with a viewing gallery covered in ketchup and discarded chips. Now it is all light pine and windows with a cafe that promotes healthy eating (crisps were Walkers Lite rather than full fat!) and even Fairtrade on offer if you asked.
Walter turned up and we swam. I entrusted my life to the green flume and it was like a nightmare I used to have as a kid. Falling down stairs. Quite exhilarating to hit the water at the bottom, but once was enough. Stuart asked me to go on the more sedate blue flume. I did it because he asked. He was looking a bit worried as we climbed up more and more steps. WE went for it - in a way it was worse because we were on an inflatable and my legs were bouncing off the walls. Walter told me how a woman had broken her neck in it when he was there one time. After that the boys went up and down, up and down ..... while I retreated to the reassuring 20 lengths in the slow circuit.
We went to Pizza Hut just over Parker's Piece. Eric and Stuart made out that they never do anything nice by sincerely thanking me virtually every mouthful. Walter gave them both advice on how to get on in life. Eric seemed to be taking it on board.
If the pictures appear it worked. If not you will have to wait and rely on my prose.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Wednesday 29th December
We are now all in Stretham!
Ma and pa are reunited with the boys. All I can say is that it has been very peaceful for the last few days! It has been busy too. Clearing out the rental house took all day yesterday and I thought it was going to be fast. The extra time was mostly because we were trying to re-house as much of the stuff as we could rather than taking it all to the skip.
Various callers were given boxes of stuff. The skulls headed for Scotland en route to Patrick via Gerard and Vanya. The Fortnums mince-pies were scrummy btw!
Steve got the antique saws, and the rest of our logs. Thanks for helping with the washing machine etc.
Despite our best intentions a lot of stuff was tipped. A lot of the reason for this is that matching up our surplus with someone else's need is time consuming and we were short on time.
We finally finished at about 6 washing machine was last to go.
Thanks Fran for putting us up for our last night in town. The NIce and Spicy was excellent and your hospitality was most appreciated.
This morning the bloke in Moorgate news sold me a paper and said "see you" as I left. I felt like replying "Maybe in 10 years time!" but it was not really necessary. It was nice to think it though.
Ma and pa are reunited with the boys. All I can say is that it has been very peaceful for the last few days! It has been busy too. Clearing out the rental house took all day yesterday and I thought it was going to be fast. The extra time was mostly because we were trying to re-house as much of the stuff as we could rather than taking it all to the skip.
Various callers were given boxes of stuff. The skulls headed for Scotland en route to Patrick via Gerard and Vanya. The Fortnums mince-pies were scrummy btw!
Steve got the antique saws, and the rest of our logs. Thanks for helping with the washing machine etc.
Despite our best intentions a lot of stuff was tipped. A lot of the reason for this is that matching up our surplus with someone else's need is time consuming and we were short on time.
We finally finished at about 6 washing machine was last to go.
Thanks Fran for putting us up for our last night in town. The NIce and Spicy was excellent and your hospitality was most appreciated.
This morning the bloke in Moorgate news sold me a paper and said "see you" as I left. I felt like replying "Maybe in 10 years time!" but it was not really necessary. It was nice to think it though.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
Last day at school
Yesterday was my last day at school! I felt a mixture of relief at finally finishing and a touch of sadness at moving on from many friends. Many of the pupils said nice things to me, and were sad that I was going. Thanks for that! The job has been much more rewarding this term as I have been able to teach more and the control has been less of an issue. It is still nice to be appreciated.
We had a form "party" where the girls danced on the tables along with some of the boys. Two of the lads were very effective bouncers, which could have caused problems as they were trying to stop the Head from coming in!
Once all the detritus had been cleared up all the staff trooped down to Vida for "the drink". The moment I had been dreading arrived ... "the speech". Ann said some nice things about me and left out the embarrassing stories (thanks Ann!). My speech was short; so much so that I forgot to salute my colleagues who carry on doing a very difficult job. There you go, I have done it here!
I was delighted by the leaving presents of various classical CD's. It will take me hours to listen to them all. The birdsong CD is particularly excellent as it will remind me of many a long hour spent birding in this country.
If any of you do read this, then thanks for your support over the last few years. I will not forget my time at Collegiate. I have had some terrible times as I have learnt how to be a teacher. Overshadowing all that will be the the good times - the jokes and sense of community that is to me the best part of the school.
We had a form "party" where the girls danced on the tables along with some of the boys. Two of the lads were very effective bouncers, which could have caused problems as they were trying to stop the Head from coming in!
Once all the detritus had been cleared up all the staff trooped down to Vida for "the drink". The moment I had been dreading arrived ... "the speech". Ann said some nice things about me and left out the embarrassing stories (thanks Ann!). My speech was short; so much so that I forgot to salute my colleagues who carry on doing a very difficult job. There you go, I have done it here!
I was delighted by the leaving presents of various classical CD's. It will take me hours to listen to them all. The birdsong CD is particularly excellent as it will remind me of many a long hour spent birding in this country.
If any of you do read this, then thanks for your support over the last few years. I will not forget my time at Collegiate. I have had some terrible times as I have learnt how to be a teacher. Overshadowing all that will be the the good times - the jokes and sense of community that is to me the best part of the school.
Nothing better to do?
Nothing better to do on the evening of the 2nd of January??
Well you can follow the departure of the bryans on the below link.
This site enables you to see all the departures from Heathrow. It tells you when the flight is open,then boarding ,taxing ,and finally it's departure.
Our flight is CX254 to Hongkong at 21.55 , not the CX at 21.00
May it give you hours of fun viewing. Well it's got to be better than the crummy line up on T.V this year,eh..
Well you can follow the departure of the bryans on the below link.
This site enables you to see all the departures from Heathrow. It tells you when the flight is open,then boarding ,taxing ,and finally it's departure.
Our flight is CX254 to Hongkong at 21.55 , not the CX at 21.00
May it give you hours of fun viewing. Well it's got to be better than the crummy line up on T.V this year,eh..
Monday, December 20, 2004
2 weeks today
Just back from a cold walk round the historic sites of Lancaster with the boys. The oldest building in New Zealand dates back to 1840; the oldest building in Lancaster is the castle dated at c1200. We also looked at the Roman Bath House remains which were knocked down in 330 AD. At the Maritime museum Eric touched one of the slates which was on the bath roof.
We also stood under the tree that Queen Vic planted on her visit to the castle.
These remaining days sometimes feel like a scramble to do things for the last time.
Tick tock tick tock mark off another day.
School meal at Crows last night was jolly. Gemma enjoyed the music, Phil and Dave wereimpressed by the magician. Alan entertained us with his vocals.
Why do people not leave comments on these musings?
Please tell us if it is:
a) because there is nothing to comment on
b) because you cannot be bothered
c) because you don't know how to (no excuse! just click on comments at the bottom of this post)
d) because nobody reads this blog
I shall assume that if there are no comments, that d) applies.
We also stood under the tree that Queen Vic planted on her visit to the castle.
These remaining days sometimes feel like a scramble to do things for the last time.
Tick tock tick tock mark off another day.
School meal at Crows last night was jolly. Gemma enjoyed the music, Phil and Dave wereimpressed by the magician. Alan entertained us with his vocals.
Why do people not leave comments on these musings?
Please tell us if it is:
a) because there is nothing to comment on
b) because you cannot be bothered
c) because you don't know how to (no excuse! just click on comments at the bottom of this post)
d) because nobody reads this blog
I shall assume that if there are no comments, that d) applies.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Sunday, December 12, 2004
The foot saga....
After a week with out the plaster on, my foot is slowly begining to unfuse it's self. I have manged to have a couple of trips into town . The cruthes are a god send ,and when i think , "this is ok i shall try with out them 2 ,i almost fall flat on my face.
BUT the good new is ,is that i have returned to the driving seat, as the dominate and superior driver in the family.!!!
My aim, is to be on one crutch for christmas, we shall see. As long as it stops cramping up and refusing everytime i stop and sit for more than 10 minutes......................
3 weeks and counting.............................
Monday, December 06, 2004
The last time
Lots of things we are doing recently are accompanied by thoughts of "this is the last time I'll do this before we go". The sand is running through the hourglass ever faster and it is hard to decide which things we want to do one last time. Went for a few beers at the Waterwitch last night ... for the last time ... (probably). Went up Arnside Knott ... for the last time ... last weekend. Check out the pics. That area is one place I am very fond of.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This is a view towards Lancaster City centre from where we live. The castle is pretty old - there has been human activity on the site since before Roman times. Away in the distance is Morecambe Bay looking towards Barrow. The large red brick shed in the middle is the new cinema which has been designed to fit in with the skyline - not! It has also not opened despite having been built 2 years ago.

Sunday, November 14, 2004
Stuart's Birthday
Stuart is 8 tomorrow but the celebrations have started early. Matty joined him along with the inseparable brothers for a trip ten-pin bowling. Stuart managed 3 strikes , Matty got the highest score but we all enjoyed it. Why does 10 pin bowling turn normally reserved English people into strutting high-fiving inhabitants of Springfield? Who knows and really who cares?
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
It's mum's birthday
33 today,feels strange that 34 will be out there in the warm,and in the spring rather than the begining of winter.
Well it will be 8 weeks to the day on Sunday, and between then we have a family gathering on the 20th of November, Stu's 8th birthday on the 14th of November, followed by our 10th wedding aniversery.Ahhh.
Then of course we hit the silly season of spend,spend, spend,and total over indulgence. Not for us this year mind, the boy's will get a few little gifts to fit in there rucksacks, and nz$50 to blow in NZ.
33 today,feels strange that 34 will be out there in the warm,and in the spring rather than the begining of winter.
Well it will be 8 weeks to the day on Sunday, and between then we have a family gathering on the 20th of November, Stu's 8th birthday on the 14th of November, followed by our 10th wedding aniversery.Ahhh.
Then of course we hit the silly season of spend,spend, spend,and total over indulgence. Not for us this year mind, the boy's will get a few little gifts to fit in there rucksacks, and nz$50 to blow in NZ.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
There's not alot of stuff left in the house, but the boy's kept their halloween goods.
Off the boy's went to scare the local's , and returned with a good profit of sweets.
Off the boy's went to scare the local's , and returned with a good profit of sweets.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Please leave feed back
People please leave feed back, it's dead easy , i just need to know that you guy's are logging on to see how the boy's are getting on ( see the insecurity there).
Final trip to Windermere
So off we went to Windermere. Mum on crutches and boys with rucksackes.
What else appart from the obligiatory ice creams did we want.............. a chug on windermere on a little motor boat.... So off we went, handed over our £15 ,and away we chugged at a quick speed of about 5mph.
It was brill, we will really miss this part of the country,as you cn see by the boy's faces on the boat. C
What else appart from the obligiatory ice creams did we want.............. a chug on windermere on a little motor boat.... So off we went, handed over our £15 ,and away we chugged at a quick speed of about 5mph.
It was brill, we will really miss this part of the country,as you cn see by the boy's faces on the boat. C
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Thinking about emigration???
Are you thinking of emigrating to New zealand?
Would like more offical, and unoffical information, well have a look at these links.
One is the offical NZIS website where you can find what you need for a visa,
and the other 2 are forum,which give a little light on what it's like over in NZ, both good and bad side(well worth a brouse).
Happy hunting people..........C
Would like more offical, and unoffical information, well have a look at these links.
One is the offical NZIS website where you can find what you need for a visa,
and the other 2 are forum,which give a little light on what it's like over in NZ, both good and bad side(well worth a brouse).
Happy hunting people..........C
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