Today is Chantelle's Birthday. She received gifts and well wishes from all over and can be seen about to enjoy a juicy steak washed down with fizz. She said it was the first birtday in ** years that she had enjoyed the sun and not a dark night, cold and rain! One of the unexpected benefits of emigration to the southern hemisphere.
We have had a busy week. Last weekend the boys were demanding to sleep in my tiny tent on Friday night. As I was unwilling to see them knacker my only valuable possession, I suggested that we build a sleep-out on Saturday. Unbelievably a tee-pee was built in the space of one afternoon. It cost $0 and housed Eric and Patrick comfortably for one night. We had a fire and made toast and baked bananas before leaving them to nature.
Livestock news: 2 more chicks hatched from broody bantam on Wed/Thurs; We have another 8 muscovvy ducklings courtesy of Diggers Valley, Shanya is looking forlorn without her mate, sits about moping, we are going to run her with the sheep tomorrow as she has been on her own the last 2 weeks. Sheep all doing Ok, the ewes are very shy and won't come even when offered sheep nuts.
Other news: Stuart is moving from boats into go-carts. His team of ark builders are on stand-by. There have been a number of sparkler bomb incidents in Kaitaia. The mail box on our old house was blown away this week. Police and school are treating it very seriously.