Just posted up a whole load of pictures from the end of the holidays.
It has been wet this week and those long hot summer days seem distant.
In this section is the garden as it has been this summer. The best ever! The constant application of manure and mulch is starting to pay off as the clay mutates into a workable tilth. The pic shows one of the daily harvests of beans corn and eggs, plus the strawbs. They have been awesome this year. So many that we have been able to make a few pots of jam. Stuart and Patrick are constantly working out new ways of stretching their wages. Stuart had a go at selling some old marrows on a roadside stall, without success. I am encouraging paddy to help establish a new strawberry bed and offered to go 50/50 on te profits. He is a cheeky little fella and came back with "how about 60/40?" He seems to inherited some business sense from somewhere. Must have skipped a generation.