We were rudely awakened from a cold induced early sleep last Saturday night by the sound of a car crashing into our garden.
No injuries amazingly.
Driver ran off leaving his large truck blocking our drive. We went out to investigate and phoned the police. We were impressed by their amazingly quick response time; and put it down to the big number in town keeping an eye on a kick-boxing match.
Meanwhile boy comes back with mate and another truck to remove the vehicle.
Police established who the driver had been. Car had landed on its wheels and and hit a fence post.
Recovery driver pulled crashed car over on its roof as he attempted to pull it back up the drive.
That was when we started taking pictures.
It all looked different on Sunday morning when boy and mates turned up to retrieve truck. They managed to do this but our fences and 2 gates were in the way so needed to be removed.
We wait for the team to come back and put right the damage.