Hope our readers are not getting too sick of the Wellington pictures, because there is another day after this one. For those of you who are following the plot we have been to Te Papa on Thursday and are into Thursday evening when we went to a seafood restaurant in Oriental Parade. Check out the litter free streets and clean beaches. People still drop litter here, but the clean-up is more efficient than in the UK. There are perhaps fewer dogs hanging around in citties and towns, and we hardly ever see dog dirt on the pavement. Now that we have our own hound (who is settling in well and geting to know all the other inmates) we will be scooping ourselves!
Other pictures are from the cable-car going up to the Carter Observatory and Botanic gardens. Eric found a shop selling Dr Pepper and his reverence towards the can, which got pride of place in his shrine, once drunk, was about as religious as I have seen him recently.
Meanwhile Stuart and Patrick discover that no matter how fancy a solar clock is, it does not work when the sun is behind a cloud.
The cable car picture is taken inside the excellent cable-car museum, the seats are placed at quite a steep angle so that they are level as the cable car sits on the steep track.
The final picture is a view towards Oriental Parade from the top of the cable car.