Kia ora koutou!
One week into school and time to resurrect the Friday night update. Listening to dance music on George FM because there is nothing on TV worthy of watching, even by my low Friday night standards. I am slowly moving towards a view that many have reached before me; namely that TV is a monumental waste of time. We have started an experiment in having one TV (and computer) free day a week. We are trying out Thursdays, so don't expect the usual speedy response if you email on a Thursday.
That is not to say that all the tv here is rubbish. One thing I am slowly getting used to is the ads on all channels. Even on the news shows. It slows down the flow and makes a half hour programme into a 1 hour programme. Some of the good programmes imho are:
- Brotown a cartoon about the doings of some Morningside youngsters. Not universally liked (some think it vulgar!), but we find it amusing. There is a lot of stuff that goes over the heads of the boys.
- Facelift - another comic puupet satirical - a bit like Spitting Image.
There have been other dramas on and short comedies that have been good.
The rest seems to be 80% imported from UK/US/Oz.
Back to reality, we are all excited by the new chicks and are finding hard to resist checking them every five minutes. It is very smelly out there as some eggs have blown up, the ones that were not fertilised and have basically been kept stewing under mum's butt for 3 weeks. SMELLLLYYY! She does not smell too sweet either; having rather let herself go! Her character has changed, she is all dopey, but delivers a mean peck if you go near her chicks.
We went to the Waiere Boulders last week when we were on holiday. Patrick and Mum had been there before so Patrick was keen to show everyone around. We walked quite a way and for the first (but probably not the last) time, Chantelle and I were left trailing as all six younger legs ran off in front to see this or that. Very photogenic place. The boulders are volcanic basalt and have fluting marks on them that had me wondering as my basic knowledge of geology tells me that igneous rock is very hard and resistant to weathering. Apparently, the grooves on the boulders are caused by kauri leaf chemicals that corrode the rock by constantly dripping onto the same place. Feel free to comment on this if you have a better explanation!
So it was back to school this week. It was a bit like being bulldozed on Monday as the easygoing attitude of the holiday was displaced by the faster pace of school. Probably made harder for me because I spent Friday and Saturday night at Te Tii Marae with the te reo course. Te Tii is a beautiful place not far from Kerikeri. The course was very good as well and I consolidated a lot of my language. It was a boost for my confidence to be able to explain a few things to some people who had just started the course.
Until next week then, if the volcanoes, earthquake or bird flu don't get us in the mean-time.