Just limped to the end of another week, first beer of the weekend has been cracked open and we are into the friday night wind-down. We have just been entertained by a school rugby match on the field in front of our house. Not entirely sure who was playing and what type of rugby it was, but it looked like our lot won.
I was supposed to be going away tonight to stay at a marae near Mangonui with my Te Reo course, but it was cancelled on Wednesday for some obscure bureaucratic reason. I was not too bothered as I was feeling very run down on Thursday and was not looking forward to sharing a mattress on a floor with lots of strangers. So I have yet to experience the joys of a "noho marae". The te reo course is going quite well at the moment. I recognise more of the words than I used to and felt like I was really learning something on Thursday night. Some nights I find it all going over my head. He aha tenei? He kihine tena! (What's this? Its the kitchen). Knowing a bit of Te reo comes in handy at school especially with some of the awkward pupils who try to pull the race card on me!
Chantelle is waiting for Uncle Nick to make contact as he is now in the country. The boys can't wait for him to show up as well, especially Eric!
It is now nit-combing time so I need to log off!