We have survived our first proper week at school. Boys went to their respective places on Tuesday, in fact we all did. Chantelle started her new job as a teacher aide and it all went well.
My week has been incredibly busy but it is all part of getting back into the routine. We are all recovering this Saturday. whilst doing all the farm jobs that have been left while we have been out.
Moetsetse left us today and went back to where he came from. He had knocked the boys over one time too many. We swapped him for a pregnant ewe and a wether who should be better behaved.
The 2 shavers that were in the coop down the bottom have both hatched their clutches, so we currently have 15 chicks. Boys are busy building new coops to take them.
The pictures are from last week when Chantelle went bee-keeping. She is planning to increase our livestock numbers by several thousand in one go by getting bees! I will leave all that to her, but will be quite happy to eat the honey.
The other pic shows eric in his newly decorated bedroom. The boys all have a room each which makes life a lot easier.
We had Molly and Vicky to stay for the last 2 nights. They are the sister and friend of a friend from the uk, on their world tour. They did the Cape Reinga tour and wend down the te paki dunes. They left for Whangarei today and will eventually fly from Auckland to Santiago! Makes us feel a bit sedentary, we were all excited because a chopper went over carrying what looked like a monsoon bucket this morning.