Some more pictures from our holiday. It is retreating rapidly into the past as Summer grills on. Here we have Stuart with a fish that he did not catch on New Brighton Pier. He was modelling it for the fisherman! Then you see the road that leads from Christchurch to the Southern Alps. Snow covered even in high Summer. Check out the beatiful lupins that line the road for mile after mile. And all the tourist buses coming the other way. The 3rd pic shows the campsite near Lake Ohau where we spent one night. It was my personal favourite because we were in the midst of such fantastic scenery. I had a dawn walk up the hillside and got to see my first ever Riflemen. These are the smallest NZ birds and are similar to a goldcrest in the UK.
The 4th pic shows paddy bringing his gear over to camp. We were surrounded by sandflies which were a bit of a minus (to put it mildly). Paddy did not complain !
Finally Stuart (again! - he manages to worm his way into most of our pictures) shows us Aoraki (Mount Cook) in the distance over an impossibly glacier coloured Lake Pukaki. Just a few days 2 japanes climbers were killed trying to climb this mountain.