It is now 2006. New Year's Day passed off without major event. We did very little today, pottering about. In the afternoon, the boys were insisting on going out somehere and it was proving very difficult to agree on where we should go. That is becoming more common now as all 5 of us have very different and strong opinions on where we should go! I would be interested to know how other families resolve this one. We ended up deciding not to go anywhere apart from our own dam, where we had a swim for the first time.
Access to the dam is a bid muddy and yucky so we first knocked up a little jetty. It is a bit of a bodge job, but I reckon that the ducks will like it. The water in the dam is deep and dirty, so although the swim was refreshing, you needed a shower afterwards because you came out covered with weed.
For tea we had 2 of the ducklings that we have been rearing for the last 8 weeks. They were very tasty, but it did feel very different to be eating something that we had had around the house for so long. It brought out some strong emotions amongst the diners. Either some of us will become vegetarians or we will become less sensitised.
We would like to wish all our international readers a happy new year. Now that we have clustrmaps at the bottom of the page, we can see who is logging on to read our page, or rather from where they are logging on. We have a regular reader in Eastern Australia and people in the US who have logged on. Leave messages folks!