I have enjoyed this week, boys at school and plenty of time for sorting things out. I have actually been into school every day along with many other dedicated teachers who carry on working up until Christmas.
Life on the "farm" carries on, the grass grows and we have been experimenting with using the mower as a brushcutter. If you are careful you can cut down 2 foot high grass. The area round the veggie garden has been done, along with a wide strip going down to the chucks. On the poutry front, I rescued one of the youngest shaver chicks from certain death. It was squawking loudly at dusk from the long grass in the middle field. One of the cats was sat over it, either guarding it or having just injured it. There were no superficial injuries but the bird was unable to perch or even walk much. Eric has taken it under his wing so to speak and it is recovering well.
The ducklings should have gone down to the dam by now because the volume of their liquid faeces is becoming more notieceable by the day on the path around the house. We have taken them down twice, but they have made their way back to the house. They did this the second time because the 2 larger pairs of ducks already living there did not take kindly to the newcomers - even though they were all close rellies! The solution to this dilemma will probably involve a combination of an axe and Xmas presents to duckless folk.
On a more civilised note, some of us went to see the latest Harry Potter at The Swamp Palace last weekend. It was the best one yet, actually better than the book which dragged on for far too long (IMHO).
Pictures included this week are of Eric and his rescue chick, a Tui feeding on the flax in front of the house, and the pea seedlings that Patrick sowed that have popped up this week.