Some of us are coming out of illness, Chan and nyself, while Stuart is going down with the lurgey. All 3 boys took part in their school's cross country races yesterday which took place at Pukepoto School. They are all a bit achy today.
Not a lot of news this week. The chickens have started to lay much better and we are getting more eggs now than we have had since the Autumn. That gives us something to barter with. Our neighbour gave us a long roll of instant fencing that was surplus to her needs and so we installed it as the veggy garden fence last weekend. I also started to dig a drainage ditch along the edge of the wire. The plan is that each veggy bed will be raised and the water will drain down into the stream. I might be able to use the same channels to irrigate in the summer if I can rig a pipe up from the water trough to the garden.
The pictures are of assorted animals and eric. The centipede was about 6 inches long and was found by Mike in a manuka stump. They have a nasty nip apparently, but I did not try it out.