Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mike and paddy soldier on keeping the home fires burning. We have just stacked a ute load of firewood to keep said fires burning. Its pretty cold at times and having a warm house helps to dry the mound of washing.
This is an abbreviated version of the post I wrote this morning that was several paragraphs long, full of witty comments about the soap opera that is our life - who needs to watch corrie?
Anyway I was about to add a picture and publish my offering to the world when the screen went blank and the music stopped and the fridge stopped. For those people looking for a downside to this idyllic life that we are leading - one of those is the power-cuts that we suffer here in Northland. NZ is struggling to generate enough electricity to meet peak demand and most generation happens south of Auckland. Up here we are the first to lose power. A few weeks there was a major cut that lasted for several hours. The kids were sent home from rural primary schools as the sewage and heating all need electric. Auckland came to a stand-still. It was all caused by a rusted piece of metal at a sub-station apparently. Gave us a wake-up call about the need to be able to cope on our own. Mind you we all moaned up here where it is quite mild even in the depths of winter. There were farmers down in South Island who were cut off for 2 weeks by a heavy snowstorm that brought down their lines.
Anyway the blog entry disappeared into he ether and this is the replacement.
The picture shows the new chicken run that houses Rocky and 6 wives, it is an artistic representation of reality. Chantelle has the camera in the uk, so I shall be illustrating my blog entries in alternative ways!