Now 'tis Friday night and I have just got back from checking the chucks. We have 10 altogether thanks again to Peter. They have only been here 36 hours and have laid 2 eggs, which was sooner than expected.
They are a mix of Wyandotte, White Shaver and Barred Rock.
It has been lovely today, a gentle breeze that is drying up the mud rapidly. This afternoon I found out that treatment of dental problems is at least as costly as over in the UK. The dentist is very good though and showed me with the help of a large model, how I should have been brushing my teeth for the past 39 years.
The boys listened to a reading of Harry Potter Book Six at the local library. It is a fantastic place, better than many libraries in much bigger English towns. They have a current range of fiction and non-fiction, jigsaws, even a pedometer, not to mention lots of magazines that you can take home to read. The only thing it lacks is a cd collection, but even then I think that one can order them. The quality of my life has been boosted considerably by all the libraries I have visited over the years. They are such a good money-saving socialist idea that I am surprised they have not been quietly banned by now.