Last w/e was ace!
For starters we had 3 days off cos Monday was a Bank Holiday - Queen's Birthday. God Bless Old Liz!
The weather was pretty kind. A bit cloudy on Saturday but the predicted storm mostly missed us.
Soccer was a bit of a disappointment as Paddy's team lost 1-0 to Pukenui. They are reckoned to be one of the better teams, so the score was not too bad. Paddy actually finished the game injured with a stud mark on his ankle but he soon recovered.
In the afternoon Eric and I went up to Kaimaumau for a Science Fair field trip. We had a couple of lads from the college and quite a few teachers with their children. we were having a look at what lived in the sand in the Rangaunu harbour. This is an important site for bar-tailed godwit (kuaka). We were joined by Kevin Matthews, who was able to add a load of extra knowledge to the trip. We found lots of interesting organisms in the sand and everyone seemed to enjoy seeing what they could find.
We spent Sunday doing church stuff and chilling out.
Monday we decided to do something nice as a family as we haven't been out together for a while. Chan wanted to show us a fishing spot that Rissy had shown her. It was a good walk from where we parked the car, over a swampy stream and then along a long beach. The forecast was for heavy showers, but again we were lucky. And was it worth it? A beatiful place, that has restored my faith in the East coast as a coast worth visiting. Also it was nice to catch some fish after nearly a year of poor fishing experiences. At last they were taking my bait. We took home 4 good sized kahawai and put afew smaller ones back. Eric and Stuart got to hook into one each and feel how strongly they fight. So on top of a healthy walk we got to eat lovely fresh fish for our tea. It was a great afternoon and reminded me of why we live here and how good life can be when you take time out to do something special.