Well the summer seems to have kicked in. We really can't remember the last good rainfull to replenish our tank, which considering is 2/3 full. Our poor neighbours have already had to call out the water tanker.
The Weekend started with us ( Mike and Chantelle) going out for a meal and a walk along 90 mile beach to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary.
Then on Tuesday Eric departed along with the top 2 years at Pamapuria school to camp. He has just returned today (Friday), and has promised an update when he's not so shattered.
On Wednesday ,Mouse the 6 foot something shearer came along to relieve poor , sweltering Masetse of his fleece. He also managed to do the goat as well . So they both look like little straggley beings plodding around the paddocks. Thanks to Mouse ,there are few shearers who would agree to shear such few sheep.
The attached photo's show Mo and Miss chicken having a chill under the stairs together, Masetse during and after shearing , Mike and chantelle on 90 mile beach. And goat, shania, being lopped.