Last night we held the second annual Back to School Party or "Bk2skl" in Txtspk.
Our summer is nearly over with 2 of us back at school tomorrow and the rest on Thursday. I am not complaining as it has been an epic holiday. We have seen lots of new places and met old friends and rellies in the UK. In the last 3 weeks at home, we have done loads of stuff, diy, huntin possums in the garden, fishin' with a kite at Puwheke, killing a couple of lambs, making sausages, tidying up, cooling down with swims. The fun just has to stop ...
I had a job whittling down the photos from the several hundred on the camera to the 4 shown here. Eric and stuart have whiled away many a happy hour with just the camera and their own bizarre imaginations. The result is a memory stick full of blurred faces or lego animations, not to mention the Gbs of flight simulation landings "It only lasts for 15 minutes!"
So there is a picture of me getting to grips with a 20" chainsaw. Stuart making sausages from our own lamb meat. Chantelle and Patrick on the beach at Puwheke where we went kite fishing with some friends recently. And finally some of the folk who came to the party last night. Thanks for coming, the food was awesome as was the company.