Kia Ora folks
We are sat around in various stages of dazedness, and degrees of chocolate-overdose. We all go up before dawn to go to an Easter breakfast on the beach run by the Salvation Army Church. It added to Grandma and Grandpa Bryan's list of unusual ways to celebrate Easter.
They have been with us since Good Friday. Managing to reach us by plane from Auckland from a fog-bound airport. They had the Market experience yesterday. A very busy market as it was a busy tourist w/e.
Back to the beach this morning. It was a clear calm morning. We had a hymn and a reading and a few words and then got on with a simple breakfast of fish and flat-bread. The kiddies hunted for easter eggs among the boulders and dodged the incoming tide while the adults took little walks and chatted.
I shall endeavour to post a few updates now that we have visitors (with a camera!) and we are on holiday. What pleasantness it is to able to sit on the deck on an autumn afternoon in the strong sunshine, eating good food with one's neighbours and just chilling out for a couple of hours. Follow that with a bit of digging on the veggy plot in preparation for sowing some autumn crops. Finish it off with a few beers and King kong the movie. What a choice day!
Chantelle is about to go off collecting honey with Mike and Rissy. She is learning the business of bee-keeping first hand off the expert.
Til next time.