It seems like it has done nothing but rain this week and the concensus is that winter has arrived. Mum and dad got the indian summer. So we have been make ourselves snug, getting hot water bottles and duvets and blankets. The boys get a special saturday job to do each week. This week their job was to chop up kindling for the fire. It is amazing what a difference it makes to come in from the wet to a warm house with a fire in the burner.
We have replaced our old digi-camera with a new one, thanks to a gift from the recently departed grandparents. This camera takes pictures in lots of clever ways and even does videos with sound. It has a 1Gb memeory card. It is pretty amazing how quickly things like cameras move on in a short space of time. There must be lots of boffins in back rooms working out how to make our cameras and computers faster and cheaper and smaller.
We are all bumbling along as per usual. Fighting off winter colds and infections with more or less success. Chantelle succumbed to a nasty bout of flu(?) a week after she had the flu vaccination. Not unusual apparently. Schools and hospitals offer staff the vaccination, presumably so that those same staff do not catch flu and then have to take time off. It seems to defeat the object of the exercise when they catch the flu from the vaccination itself!
Eric has posted news of his new livestock. The menagerie has also seen the arrival of Posy the little black kitten. Very cute especially when she plays with Zephyr, biting his paws. She would make a very small mouthful for him, but he has so far been very gentle with her.
We are still waiting for the sheep to produce. They look a bit wet what with all the rain.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thursday the 4th of May our farm hosted the birth of ten ducklings.One of these ducklings hactched out in the house.Eric is taking care of them and will hopefully
be given away before the end of the happy ten weeks then mike will put them in the pot.However the duckling that hatched out in the house will not be sold or killed it will be kept by Eric for a pet. Written by Eric
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