It is still the holiday and we are working on a range of projects. The water system is more or less fixed. Thanks to everyone who has helped with design advice and troubleshooting.
We made an exciting find today - well it was exciting for us simple country folk! We lost a bantam nearly 3 weeks ago, just before the strong winds. At first I assumed that it had either been blown away, or had been eaten by a hawk or a feral cat. Eric claimed to have seen a hawk fly off with a bantam, so we assumed the worst. In the last few days we started to consider another possibility - that our bantam was sat on eggs. If that was so we might expect it to appear with some fluffy bundles in the next few days - as hens take 21 days to incubate. Eric and I found the little luv this morning tucked away in a thicket and sitting hard. We did not want to disturb her, but are keeping our fingers crossed and eyes open. Eric and I fixed up a coop for any chicks that are led out. We think their chances will be better up close to the house rather than in the field with the hawks flying over all the time.
The picture of Stuart is a rare photo of him engaged in a work-related activity. One has to take these pics while one can. He took a strop about 30 seconds after the pic was taken and the mowing was left to me!
The lack of any pictures of the old man working does not necessarily mean that I am sat on my backside watching everyone else working ..... at least that's my story.