Well that is it for another year and we all went back to school last week, apart from Chan who has been back at work for ages.
Patrick started on Monday and was keen to return. He has an interactive whiteboard in his classroom and is one of 4 boys in a class of 31. For Patrick this is not the good thing it would be for an older boy. Girls are currently described as "gross" and "sick" in his 8 year old world-view.
Stuart started at Intermediate with old-hand Eric on Thursday. He had the usual fears that go with going to a new school, but he met is teacher the day before and seems to have made a good start. Eric is glad to be back and as a Year 8 can lord it over the new ones, so he is happy.
We had a gentle start to the new term, doing at most 2 days and then Wednesday was a public holiday - Waitangi Day, so we were off again. I went to do some prep in the morning and then Chan, Eric and I all went for a fish at Aurere. It was exhilarating as the swell was high on account of a tropical cyclone that was releasing its energy into the seas to the north. We had to be careful with the waves coming onto the rocks. We had some good fish on and lost some good sized ones. We landed undersized kahawai, trevally and snapper and took home one snapper for eating. This is the first one we have caught in a long time and very tasty it was too.
School for me semi kicked off on Friday when the Year 9's all started, but the big start is this Monday when everyone is back and I will meet all my classes at last.
The pictures have slowed right up now that school is going. Posting up some of the end of our holiday. An innocent eric at Gatwick, a possum up our cabbage tree and its ultimate fate. The final one is a strangely named refuelling machine at Melbourne Airport.
Chantelle is keeping busy with her job and went to a big meeting in the city (Whangarei) to talk about a new pilot project that has been set up between the Sallies and the Ministry of Social Development. I am waiting for the ministerial limo to turn up for her in the mornings.
Until next time then. I notice we have had a reader from the African continent! Wecome to the blog! Welcome to all our readers! Do not be afraid to comment, question or argue.