At last we get chance to catch our colective breaths after what seems like a very long term. There are 3 weeks to go to the proper end of term, but having 5 days off in a row will give us the rest we need to make it to the end.
We did our Good Friday bit yesterday. I always find it a very dull, depressing day, something to do with being in a very serious church service at 3pm. Our man had turned all the benches round so that it was like choir stalls. The boys went under protest and with extreme bribery. There were not much more than a dozen children in the church amongst maybe 100 adults.
Today the boys were awake and fighting at 8am! We went off to Matai Bay which is North East of here at the end of the Karikari peninsular. It is a well known beauty spot that I have not visited before, though Chantelle went with her school a while back. It was busy (for round here) with maybe 30 cars and 100 people by the time we left. Still the beach was big enough for us all. People were snorkelling, kayaking and going off scuba diving. We swam and did a bit of fishing. I caught a little fish, see pic. Only a tiddler and it went back in. Still it was the first one I have caught over here using our own gear. Chantelle of course hooked a bigger fish on her first cast, still not big enough to eat; sadly her feat has not been captured on camera because Patrick had run off across some dodgy rocks and needed us to escort him. I also learnt that it is not a good idea to leave your tupperware box of bait on the lowlying rocks where a wave will carry it out to sea.
Maybe there will be another Easter update; possible subjects will be: how the compost heap was made, Chocolate eating by Eric, Stuart and Patrick.