A few pictures from the last week. Ducklings get bigger and are now in with mrs clucky outside the back door. No sign of the wild ducklings; I fear that the stoat got itself another supper. No success with the trap.
No more rats. The bio students enjoyed dissecting them.
We had a quiet w/e with 2 lie ins. Father's Day on Sunday was nice for me, breakfast in bed and someone else fed the chucks. We went down later on and saw to the goats feet; they are better than last week. My attempts to find them a retirement home have not been successful, so we shall have to keep them here.
The election draws nearer and the polls show that it maight be a close run thing. National are in the lead by 8 points at the moment. If they get in things might warm up here as they are into bulk funding for schools, stopping race-based funding etc.