25th of April 1915 thousands of Anzacs (Australia new Zealand army core) landed at Gallipolli. That day on the very beach they landed on, they were ambushed by the Turks. Many thousands were killed in action, many died of wounds and some died of diseases in the hot sun. Some men were just over 15 years old. I am in the air-training corps and every 25th of April we do a dawn service and one in the late morning. This is my account of what happened.
We went to HQ the day before at 1 o’clock.We cleaned the hall and set up the beds. At 4 o’clock we went in groups around town for a navigation exercise. That lasted 2 hours and when we returned we were tired and were ready for some easy shoe polishing before a kfc. My shoes were so clean I didn’t need to, so I ironed my shirt. After dinner the president of the RSA (returned services association). She read us a story about the Anzacs. After watching Epic Movie it was finally time for bed at ten past eleven. We woke up at half four in the morning. We had shower and Milos then got into our uniforms. At half five on the 25th of April we marched to the Remembrance Park and paid our respects to those who gave their lives for our freedom.
We were there for an hour, not moving our eyes or body only when commanded to. We stopped for the bugle call "The Last Post” and then went to the RSA for an invited breakfast. We were supposed to go after the RSA members but they were in the bar - as you may have guessed - having whisky at 7 in the morning! So we got to have breakfast first.
After the big breakfast we went back to HQ. Soon it was time for the second service in the Community Centre. There was a clip of all the brave soldiers who died at Gallipolli. After the final service it was time to go home.
And that’s my story of how I, cadet Bryan in Squadron 64, remembered the brave Anzacs 93 years after they fell for their country.