I have not done an update for ages. Lots has been going on, mostly at school, where we have all been busy marking exams, writing reports and then getting ready for next year. All takes a long time, but not the sort of stuff I want to put on this blog really. Tonight is Friday night and the pressure is off me. Prizegiving next week on Tuesday ( and for seniors on Monday night). Then that is it as far as obligatory attendance at school goes until February. I worked out that we get 7 weeks off! It seems like we deserve a long holiday as we have been under a lot of stress this term. I do wonder if this holiday is too long and the others are too short. One day when I am minister of education, I will realise why things rae like this, in the mean-time the future looks good.
Check out the pictures. I wanted to compare our crowded UK life with our spacious existence here. The Google Earth image is taken at the same altitude 280 feet and our property is outline in yellow. Nuff said!
We finally bought 3 more more sheep last week. Beautiful dainty Pitt islands they are. The residents are not being too friendly, but they will accept them eventually I think. We knocked Stony on the neck and had him for tea last Sunday. Decided that we only really need 1 cock and that Stony was a brute and was better off to us as slow cooked tea rather than a vicious rapist!
Other news Northern Force won their first match on Wednesday against the Brazilian team Futbao. We are getting better every week though we have some way to go before we win the cup!
Hopefully the next update will be quicker coming than this one.