It is Monday morning as I blearily write this.
The main event this weekend was my birthday, conveniently on a Saturday. We celebrated in lots of ways. Lancashire Hot Pot made by Chan and Mandy at the social club on Friday. Lie in Saturday, then went and got a new bike in town. Rode it back home, good to be back in the saddle again.
We went fishing at Ahipara on Saturday afternoon. Not a very serious attempt as the wind was wrong, it was mid afternoon and the tide was going out. It was still nice to be casting into the surf. The last time I fished with our own stuff, was at Silecroft beach in Cumbria.
In the evening we managed to go out without the kids! To the Beachcomber in Kaitaia. It was full but quiet, we both had a seafood platter, fantastic scallops, squid and fish. Good wine too!
Yesterday was back to work with a vengeance, loads of new lessons to write this week, keeping me busy. The boys alternately messed the place up, ran round screaming and occasionally did more constructive things like riding their bikes. c got the bottom room ready for the arrival of her first guests from UK, due on Tuesday.
We went for a swim at Diggers in the afternoon and caught up with Ruth and Stephan.
Need to get teeth clean now and get into school early to use the copier.