Well the rainy season arrived this week much to everyone's relief. The pasture looks dead, the rugby field lloks painful when they tackle on it and dust rises into the air, I am mindful that the water tank on our new house will be filling up. Over here most rural houses have their own water supply, either a bore or a water tank that stores roof water and is used for all the household needs. If your tank runs dry (which it can do mid-shower!), then you have to buy in a refill from a water tanker at a cost of $100's. In any case the rain here is pretty warm compared to Uk rain. It also has not washed out pollutants from millions of cars and factories on its way to the ground, and by and large it stops raining after a short time and the sun comes out.
Listening to
http://www.95bfm.co.nz/default,live.sm over the internet as I write this. I think it an Auckland Uni based radio station. They do witty adverts and the music is to my liking.
It has been another tough week at the chalk-face. (Note to UK teaching colleagues: they still have blackboards with chalk here, I am learning the art of chalk drawing, and if the teaching goes wrong I'll be well on the way to a second ... third ... career as a pavement artist).
Tough because it is raining and we all know that the slightest variation in climate is enough to turn sensitive adolescents into raving banshees. Added to which I am fighting off a bug, checking out the NZ remedies. I have to say that the slight fever has added to my classroom banter. Made an analogy today to active transport and climbing sand-dunes whereas diffusion is like jumping off said sand dunes. Factor in that it is report writing time, have to write for 4 junior classes in what seems like rather a short interval, plus the expected crashes in report writing software, printers and human support, so expected as to be predictable. I am not stressing too much about it. Tell you what though, it is nice to be able to write more or less honestly on a blog rather than write ever so cautiously on a report. How do you report on a child who regularly disrupts your lessons and seems to have experienced a parenting bypass.
Other news: there have been major land slides in the Bay of plenty area after heavy rain, Dover Samuels came to our place today offereing lots of money to rebuild the tec block, The budget was yesterday - and I cannot really make a short witty comment on it.
Closer to home, Eric says he wants to rediscover the extinct moa when he grows up, Stuart is going to be a travelling scientist with a briefcase full of equipment that opens up and a microscope comes out, Patrick played for the Pirates last w/e and played defensively, we even videoed it. Chantelle travelled North today and back along (0 mile beach so we had tua-tua fritters for tea.
Friday night comedy tv is on now so I'm off. Probably won't write next Friday as I am going to Auckland for a course and won't be back till late. Arrividerci.