Just a quickie to let you all know that Chantelle and Eric are now back at the official residence in cloudy Kaitaia.
The short version is that the plane they were travelling on (Emirates) was steadily delayed as the journey proceeded. They ended up landing in Auckland at 8.30pm on a Saturday night with no flights north until Sunday at 9. So I nipped down to the airport to pick them up.
We got home at 3.30 am. Eric is still sleeping off his jet lag, Chantelle is communicating with her mother by phone, Stuart and Paddy were acommodated at Mike and Rissy's which is where I will be heading shortly.
More later, maybe with some pictures of Blighty ...
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Very ,very hot ,believe it or not!!!

It's been cracking weather over here. My goodness, it's been between 34-36c here. Mind you see people on the beach in the full with nothing more than a small bottle of factor 2 next to them.
All this means that since arriving in blightly ,Eric and myself haven't really slept at all well. Never mind.
Some photo's that follow are of Eric with Great Grandad and Great Grandma. We had a smashing time with both Greats , and hope to able to see them again . GG took us to Southampton to see some sights of the city and them onto a rather nice restaurant next to the yachts. Whilst Eric went with GG to the forest , I went with GGM to Shirley for some girly shopping.
Then off up to Lancashire, first stop , Mike and Joy. Joy is looking really well despite having a broken femur. Mike being well as well.
Then up to Lancaster. Here we bumped into loads of people, and enjoyed many a glass of wine too.
Peterbough was the next stop at Alexes. Here I had a chuckle.
So now i am at Stretham, sweating.
So that's just a potted run through. More to come.
P.S Matty is cute.
Start of Term 3
Back to the routine with a difference of having half of the family not here.
We started off well getting up bright and early and getting to the bus-stop early. It got more and more difficult as the week went on, so it was a relief to get through to this morning's lie in.
The weather has been pretty wet for much of this week, but we were back to strong sun today. There was a chilly wind and Patrick complained of feeling cold as he set off for town wearing nothing but a tee shirt. (Don't worry Chan, he had a coat but hadn't put it on!)
There has not been much earth shattering news. We watched our various vids last night. Stuart enjoyed The Motorcycle Diaries with me picking up on the comic moments if not the subtitles and strong socialist message. I had only seen this film on the plane coming over here so it was good to see it under more comfortable circumstances.
We did the Saturday morning trip into town to get food and fruit and animal feed.
This afternoon one of Paddy's friends from school came overto play with lego. I made them go out for a fresh air braek after an hour and suggested that they feed the animals. I got a funny look when I suggested that they wear gumboots as they trotted off down the hill into the mud and manure wearing no shoes. It is quite a struggle to get Patrick to wear anything on his feet and even though I send him to school wearing a coat and shoes, he rarely comes home wearing either "They are in my bag!"
I made the most of the peace by planting 2 of the apple trees bought in the holiday. Someone suggested that you should dig a $100 hole for a $20 dollar tree. That made sense, looking at how some trees I just bunged in last year are not doing particularly well. We now have well planted Lobo and Ballarat on the hillside next to the dam.
It was great to be able to sit down in the sunshine and enjoy the peace. I remember being on the allotments and never feeling very relaxed about sitting down because of all the other people about.
There have been several wild ducks on the dam this week. 3 male mallard this morning. The harriers seem to be displaying at the moment as well. I saw a pair high up over the Matthews reserve during the week, making big swoops round in the sky and calling to each other. I remember seeing marsh harriers doing a similar display in the UK where they passed food to each other whilst in flight.
I let the chicken run chucks out for some freedom this afternoon. Rocky was first out followed by his six hens. They were reluctant to come out. Rocky was soon up by the goat pen checking out Stony and sh**ing all the hens he has not had access to in the last week. When it came time to get them in we managed to get Rocky and 3 hens back in.
Been having a think about sheep this week and am interested in the wiltshire breed. They shed their fleece in the spring by themselves so do not need to be sheared or dagged. Their feet are better than the Romneys we have got, and they supposedly have 2 lambs each that put on meat quickly. I am looking into places that might be able to sell us a few.
This time next week Chantelle and Eric will be back - yippee. How about sticking up some pictures of Blighty?
We started off well getting up bright and early and getting to the bus-stop early. It got more and more difficult as the week went on, so it was a relief to get through to this morning's lie in.
The weather has been pretty wet for much of this week, but we were back to strong sun today. There was a chilly wind and Patrick complained of feeling cold as he set off for town wearing nothing but a tee shirt. (Don't worry Chan, he had a coat but hadn't put it on!)
There has not been much earth shattering news. We watched our various vids last night. Stuart enjoyed The Motorcycle Diaries with me picking up on the comic moments if not the subtitles and strong socialist message. I had only seen this film on the plane coming over here so it was good to see it under more comfortable circumstances.
We did the Saturday morning trip into town to get food and fruit and animal feed.
This afternoon one of Paddy's friends from school came overto play with lego. I made them go out for a fresh air braek after an hour and suggested that they feed the animals. I got a funny look when I suggested that they wear gumboots as they trotted off down the hill into the mud and manure wearing no shoes. It is quite a struggle to get Patrick to wear anything on his feet and even though I send him to school wearing a coat and shoes, he rarely comes home wearing either "They are in my bag!"
I made the most of the peace by planting 2 of the apple trees bought in the holiday. Someone suggested that you should dig a $100 hole for a $20 dollar tree. That made sense, looking at how some trees I just bunged in last year are not doing particularly well. We now have well planted Lobo and Ballarat on the hillside next to the dam.
It was great to be able to sit down in the sunshine and enjoy the peace. I remember being on the allotments and never feeling very relaxed about sitting down because of all the other people about.
There have been several wild ducks on the dam this week. 3 male mallard this morning. The harriers seem to be displaying at the moment as well. I saw a pair high up over the Matthews reserve during the week, making big swoops round in the sky and calling to each other. I remember seeing marsh harriers doing a similar display in the UK where they passed food to each other whilst in flight.
I let the chicken run chucks out for some freedom this afternoon. Rocky was first out followed by his six hens. They were reluctant to come out. Rocky was soon up by the goat pen checking out Stony and sh**ing all the hens he has not had access to in the last week. When it came time to get them in we managed to get Rocky and 3 hens back in.
Been having a think about sheep this week and am interested in the wiltshire breed. They shed their fleece in the spring by themselves so do not need to be sheared or dagged. Their feet are better than the Romneys we have got, and they supposedly have 2 lambs each that put on meat quickly. I am looking into places that might be able to sell us a few.
This time next week Chantelle and Eric will be back - yippee. How about sticking up some pictures of Blighty?
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Paddy did this pic of a pirate using Tux paint.
We were supposed to be having a day out 1:1 father son bonding sort of day, but it has not gone too well. It was rainy and cold so we decided to go to the pictures at the Swamp Palace rather than drive for several hours down to see Tane Mahuta. We were late setting off because someone could not find any shoes to wear, then when we arrived the place was sold-out. Paddy has told me that he hates me at regular intervals and that he would like another dad! My main crime has been to say that he cannot have $60 from his savings to buy (another) Lego set. This after he has spent $50 of bithday money in a fortnight. We have come to a truce whereby he saves $30 of pocket money and then matches it with his savings.
Stuart come back tomorrow from his camp.
Eric and Chan have just phoned and are off to the Titanic museum with (great) Granddad Ronald this morning
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Back at the ranch

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mike and paddy soldier on keeping the home fires burning. We have just stacked a ute load of firewood to keep said fires burning. Its pretty cold at times and having a warm house helps to dry the mound of washing.
This is an abbreviated version of the post I wrote this morning that was several paragraphs long, full of witty comments about the soap opera that is our life - who needs to watch corrie?
Anyway I was about to add a picture and publish my offering to the world when the screen went blank and the music stopped and the fridge stopped. For those people looking for a downside to this idyllic life that we are leading - one of those is the power-cuts that we suffer here in Northland. NZ is struggling to generate enough electricity to meet peak demand and most generation happens south of Auckland. Up here we are the first to lose power. A few weeks there was a major cut that lasted for several hours. The kids were sent home from rural primary schools as the sewage and heating all need electric. Auckland came to a stand-still. It was all caused by a rusted piece of metal at a sub-station apparently. Gave us a wake-up call about the need to be able to cope on our own. Mind you we all moaned up here where it is quite mild even in the depths of winter. There were farmers down in South Island who were cut off for 2 weeks by a heavy snowstorm that brought down their lines.
Anyway the blog entry disappeared into he ether and this is the replacement.
The picture shows the new chicken run that houses Rocky and 6 wives, it is an artistic representation of reality. Chantelle has the camera in the uk, so I shall be illustrating my blog entries in alternative ways!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
We are here!!

Despite getting very little sleep on the plane from Auckland via Melbourne to Dubai curtoursy of the little lad in front of us screaming for 12 of the 14 hour- we are both feeling rather chipper.
We were greeted at gatwick buy mum and dad / grandma and grandad, then on arrival to Ely ,we had a quick bath and then to nick and Karla's for a barbie. Very enjoyable , made even more funny by my jetlagged state of mund that made me feel rather spaced out and feeling that i had earlier taken some drugs of some sort- which i certainally did not.
During our stop in Dubai ,Eric and myself had a shower, and we paid 88 whatever it was, and i have no idea of the exchange rate ,but as Eric said , "I feel so much better now", so it was worth every bit of dubai currentcy.
The second leg , which was 7 and a half hours was so much better , i could even cross my legs on this plane, and i think just for being half the flight time of the first.
Anyway , E and I have just returned from Ely ,with trips to boots and Wilko's.
Off to Southapton tommorrow ,so shall post on our return.
Photo's of Our arrival and the airbus and 777 we travelled on.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Look out England, 2/5ths of them are coming back!!
Yes! As we speak/write/read Chantelle and Eric are winging their way across the planet back to the UK. We went down en masse to see them off at the airport and to have a mini-break in Auckland as well.
We stayed at Waiwera on Friday and Saturday night in a tiny cabin right on the shore. It was pretty much the cheapest place that Chantelle could find, but was quite adequate for our needs: a bed each, a light and a couple of electric sockets to plug a jug and a lappie into. Toilets a stones throw away and a kitchen to cook a meal in. Lovely view out into the Hibiscus coast and only half an hour into Auckland.
We all trotted off to MOTAT on Saturday. A quaint NZ style museum full of intersting pieces, but also som good hands-on interactive stuff for the boys. The pull was the robot activities which sounded pretty good, design your own and program bots. The reality was not as impressive, but well organised by friendly staff. The boys and C all enjoyed a tour of the tactile dome. I stayed out to look after the passports and air-tickets. It was some sort of adventure circuit all done in the dark and judging by the great grins on everyones' faces as they left, it must have been fun.
Eric was getting increasingly twitchy by this point even though it was T-5 hours, so we meandered our way to the airport. Said our goodbyes and tried to find the motorway back to Waiwera.
Paddy was oblivious to the fact that Mum and Eric were't there as he had picked up a fantastic Pirate Lego boat using the remains of his birthday money. He spent most of the next 24 hours building it, keeping us informed of his progress and only requesting help for the really tricky bits. It has now been demolished in a fit of pique after it got slightly damaged on the way back from Mike and Rissy's.
Stuart was in floods of tears 5 minutes after leaving the airport. He is apparently not going to smile for the next 3 weeks until they return.
We went to the flash Waiwera infinity Hot pools to take our mind off things/ have fun/ have a bath. At $30 for 1 adult and 2 kids after a discount, I don't think we'll be going there every week, but it was hot, there were lots of different pools and the boys enjoyed it.
Had a good trip back up north this morning stopping off at Koanga Gardens on the way. Just like so many places in the UK, but perhaps less aloof and more friendly. I could have spent a fortune on seeds, books, tools etc, but confined myself to a few packets of heirloom seeds including Ponsonby Red tomatoes and Black popcorn. Look out for the harvest pictures in 9 months time.
The house was still here when we got home ( a relief), with no obvious signs of cat diarrhoea (an even greater relief). Still no lambs and I am resigning myself to a lambless spring and a need to be better organised next year.
Stuart is away on his camp tomorrow and then it will just be Paddy and myself keeping the place ticking over.
We stayed at Waiwera on Friday and Saturday night in a tiny cabin right on the shore. It was pretty much the cheapest place that Chantelle could find, but was quite adequate for our needs: a bed each, a light and a couple of electric sockets to plug a jug and a lappie into. Toilets a stones throw away and a kitchen to cook a meal in. Lovely view out into the Hibiscus coast and only half an hour into Auckland.
We all trotted off to MOTAT on Saturday. A quaint NZ style museum full of intersting pieces, but also som good hands-on interactive stuff for the boys. The pull was the robot activities which sounded pretty good, design your own and program bots. The reality was not as impressive, but well organised by friendly staff. The boys and C all enjoyed a tour of the tactile dome. I stayed out to look after the passports and air-tickets. It was some sort of adventure circuit all done in the dark and judging by the great grins on everyones' faces as they left, it must have been fun.
Eric was getting increasingly twitchy by this point even though it was T-5 hours, so we meandered our way to the airport. Said our goodbyes and tried to find the motorway back to Waiwera.
Paddy was oblivious to the fact that Mum and Eric were't there as he had picked up a fantastic Pirate Lego boat using the remains of his birthday money. He spent most of the next 24 hours building it, keeping us informed of his progress and only requesting help for the really tricky bits. It has now been demolished in a fit of pique after it got slightly damaged on the way back from Mike and Rissy's.
Stuart was in floods of tears 5 minutes after leaving the airport. He is apparently not going to smile for the next 3 weeks until they return.
We went to the flash Waiwera infinity Hot pools to take our mind off things/ have fun/ have a bath. At $30 for 1 adult and 2 kids after a discount, I don't think we'll be going there every week, but it was hot, there were lots of different pools and the boys enjoyed it.
Had a good trip back up north this morning stopping off at Koanga Gardens on the way. Just like so many places in the UK, but perhaps less aloof and more friendly. I could have spent a fortune on seeds, books, tools etc, but confined myself to a few packets of heirloom seeds including Ponsonby Red tomatoes and Black popcorn. Look out for the harvest pictures in 9 months time.
The house was still here when we got home ( a relief), with no obvious signs of cat diarrhoea (an even greater relief). Still no lambs and I am resigning myself to a lambless spring and a need to be better organised next year.
Stuart is away on his camp tomorrow and then it will just be Paddy and myself keeping the place ticking over.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Are these ewes pregnant?

We rounded up 4 of our 5 ewes yesterday and checked their undercarriages for signs of pregnancy. They had been together with a ram up until February 12th and one of them was brought to us apparently pregnant. Those people reading this please advise us if these look like the teats of pregnant ewes or are we hoping for the impossible?
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