At the moment we (or at least I) am obsessed with making the chuck shed. We have been at it all this holiday, in various combinations of help. Hopefully it will be completed today and we will go over to Peter's tomorrow and get the birds.
We have sited the coop on the flattest part, and I am hoping it wont be too wet. The posts were difficult to get in solid as the holes almost filled up with water. Let the pictures speak for themselves.
No, I do not think you'll be allowed to move the Stone Store to your place for chicken accommodation!
I wondered if anyone would comment on the juxtaposition of the images!
For those who don't know it, the solid looking building is indeed the Stone store in Kerikeri, built in 1836(?). It is (one of) the oldest stone structures in New Zealand and was use to store (stones?).
I think we need to go in next time and clear up some of these questions.
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