Saturday, March 25, 2006


Wow what a day we have just had!
Chantelle and I got the boys up at dawn (615am) on a Saturday - no lie in this week.
We dropped them all off at 7am with Goff and Janet our fantastic neighbours who had agreed to look after them for the day, then we sped off through the murky morning to Unahi Wharf. There we boarded our boat for the day with Captain Merv, Mike and Rissy and Stephan as the other fishers.
We have spent many an afternoon fishing on the wharf and have seen lots of boats come back from the harbour. So it was ace to head out away from the wharf northwards.
How to describe the rest of the day? Highlights were catching Kahawai by pulling lures right through feeding shoals as shown up by flocks of terns. The anticipation as you near the birds and then see a bow wave heading towards your lure! Pulling in long traces with snapper and rays on each hook. Seeing skuas and terns close up. Being midway between Rangiputa and Kaimaumau and getting a different perspective on both places. Having so much quality adult time where everyone was relaxed and child-free. Spinning into a howling wind just for something to do and hooking into a huge kawahai using a rod I bought from Kaitaia tip shop for $3 and having a really good fight with it losing it just as it got to the boat.

What a day!! Thanks to all concerned for making it such a boss 40th birthday present. When can we do it again?

Stephan took lots of photos so we might be able to post some later on. Send us some piccies Stephan!

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