A smorgasbord of pics from the last few weeks.
In this section we have Stuart and the first Granny Smith from the tree he planted 2 years ago. Also the 2 butchers skin and prepare to gut our Easter lamb. I was impressed, they told me sit down and watch while they got on with it. Which they did.
Also pics of the boys heading out into the woods on Stephan's trailer last w/e when we went out to haul in firewood.
The last picture shows a randy ram Skippy sniffing Survivor's backside to see if she is on heat. Sheep are not very subtle about courting. From what I have seen coitus is not much better lasting a matter of seconds!
Apologies to anyone who is offended by the content on this site. We laugh at the English food programmes that are so coy about showing animal death. What hypocrisy! Ok if the whole country was vegetarian. The people round here are much more exposed to the realities of meat rearing, with its continual cycle of birth and death. I find it refreshing and think it is healthy for the boys to know what is on their plates. Whether they continue with their omnivorous diet or if they become veggy it will be an informed choice.
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